She better take my application seriously. I hear the O-mama is looking for a talk show host for her new network, and I am expecting a personal phone call and signing bonus.
My skills and how to apply them to my talk show future:
-Personable: getting to know people (useful for interviewing my show's guests)
-Educating others: about my opinions, world news and pop culture (communicating to public via national tv)
-Being blonde (like Diane Sawyer, Ellen Degen, Chelsea Lately, and Kelly Rippa) but I am a natural.
-Bilingual: much like cartoon sensation Dora the Explorer (cater to the large Hispanic population in U.S.)
-Youth: have the energy and time for a LONG career (less wrinkles require less makeup tricks)
-College student: (younger perspective/ generation- always keeping things fresh fresh fresh in show bizz)
-The list goes on to the nth degree of my qualifications.
Oprah, hear me out girl. I am the one you need and the one the world wants!!